Fire- & Blast
rated Walls.
Fire and blast
walls for all
InterDam supplies three types op fire- and blast walls: Generation II corrugated walls, Generation III build-up walls and Generation IV prefabricated sandwich walls. Our Generation IV walls are branded G21 to reflect the fact that they were developed in the 21st century and provide the latest in lightweight protection. The table below summarises the main characteristics of the different wall types.
Bolted and welded walls, easy installation, low weight and increased cost-efficiency. Blast resistant/blast relief.
Corrugated wall.
Traditional solution for applications with high blast loads​
InterDam has extensive experience with the design, manufacture and supply of corrugated fire and bast walls. Our structural engineering team can optimize grade and weight of steel required for your project using inhouse optimization software. This leads to the lowest cost option for your project. Blast loading up to 2.5 bar has been tested and fire ratings from A0 to H120 and Jet Fire are available
Build-up wall.
Fire-Post-Blast protection​
InterDam’s Generation III walls provide maximum protection for a fire following an explosion, whilst reducing weight compared to Corrugated Wall systems. The use of a bolted construction also reduces the amount of welding required compared to Generation II wall systems.
sandwich wall.
Lowest cost solution for fire and blast walls
InterDam’s innovative G21 Fire Panel and Blast Panel provide the ultimate in weight-saving, ease-of-installation and cost saving for both onshore and offshore applications.. Available for A0, A60, H60, H120, J30 and J60 fire ratings and blast loadings up to ~1.0 bar, our lightweight sandwich panels are quick to install and allow for penetrations to be placed after the panels have already been installed. As well as speeding up construction during new-build, the G21 panels are ideally suited for retrofitting applications as they can be installed as a bolted solution, removing the need for hot-work in an existing facility.
G21 panels are certified for internal and external walls, for onshore and offshore application and for fire and blast protection.
Image source: TAQA
Image source: Smulders
Image source: Shell
Image source: DuPont
Image source: Sabic
Image source: blythe