Rijkswaterstaat, Drecht Tunnel A16
Image source: DordtCentraal
InterDam offers solutions for tunnel escape doors that have been tested to the highest standards, EI260/EW120, EI160/EW120 as well as EI1120/EW120 according to the Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) and HCM fire curve. Utilizing our significant experience in other markets and inhouse R&D capability has enabled us to develop doors which outperform more traditional products on safety performance, maintainability, durability, ease-of-use and total cost of ownership.
Our tunnel escape doors are tested, certified and installed including the door frame ensuring that the complete system will perform as specified and reducing reliance on other disciplines during construction and improves installation efficiency.
We provide both hinged and sliding door solutions that can be tailored to your specific requirements.
Project 1
TP fire rated and watertight doors
Production of IDM-SLH-RWS-EI2 60.
Fire test hinged door.
Fire test sliding door.
Installation of IDM-SLH-RWS-EI2 60.
Image source: DordtCentraal
Image source: Deg Groep
Image source: Rijkswaterstaat
InterDam Head Office
Klompenmakerstraat 12
2984 BB Ridderkerk
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 180 470030
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